PADD™: Physician Assistant Doctoral Degree (Experimental Program).
CULA® is now offering an advanced or doctoral degree specifically for Physician Assistants, as it had done twenty-five years ago for professionals in Electro-medical Sciences.
PADD™ Is Designed to be the equivalent of an academic doctorate, on the level of a Nurse Practitioner Doctorate, a Doctor of Education, or a Ph.D. even.
CULA®’s PADD™ addresses the need for already competent professionals to reasonably have an opportunity to quantify their professional skills and earn academic recognition in a manner that considers their time and flexible options needs and requirements. An absolute objective of the program is that it must obtain accreditation which is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. Initial participants and program designers must be reconciled to this requirement.
CULA® is, again, taking the lead in addressing academic needs in American higher education, especially as education and training were referenced in the Carnegie Commission Report on Higher Education published in 1970, giving rise to educational constructs and forms which came to be known as “alternative higher educational models.” This program is basically a “paper version prototype” of what a real, Licensed Physician Assistant professional “looks like” in terms of knowledge, experience, general competencies, special skills, clinical aptitude, creative initiative, and unique contributions to the field, including clinical research and procedural achievements which continue to add to the body of knowledge shared in the profession.
In the short run, the PADD™ program will merge the Allopathic, Field, Clinical, Research, and Traditional medical expertise and resourcefulness of Licensed Physician Assistants into one competency designation. The women and men earning the very first degrees will have to wait for public recognition, but they will already know who they are by mutual and institutional acknowledgment. In the long run, these former “medics from the front lines” and other “battle zones” will have been fully accoladed by the general academic community and by the community-at-large.
CULA®’s on-line “guided, independent study” model begins with an analysis of the candidate’s personal and academic background. An assessment is also made relative to the personal goals and objectives of the candidate. Common skills, clinical experiences, laboratory and field experiences, formal study and prior earned degrees and credits are all taken into account. Special achievements, especially in related medical specialties, procedures, research, publishing, and even theories and hypotheses are given detailed reviews. In the end, the Official Study Plan for completing doctoral level degree requirements will be different for each individual. Notwithstanding the reality of “basic core subjects and competencies,” dissertation and academic research expectations, no two students will ever likely have “identical completion programs.” “This is so because no two individuals will ever likely bring the “same” personal contents to the table.
Licensed Physician Assistants interested in this experimental program may address an inquiry in the form of an email to: Remember, the initial start-up program will also be experimental; and it will require time and patience. It will take some time for the new program to acquire some form of initial accreditation. So, everyone must be patient and supportive of the program’s process and substantive content. In the end the PADD™ program will be only as good as the persons who apply for participation. CULA® welcomes your interest. If you feel like a pioneer or trailblazer, ask enrollment time, and academic completion requirements (which include a dissertation or a suitable graduate project). Initial PADD™ program tuition is also less than $2499.00. Click where indicated if you wish to print a copy of the Application Form. Credit card payments are acceptable.
As of April 1, 2016 direct or re-direct all inquiries to: or to
Click to download the CULA® Application
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Any questions or comments should be directed to dr. Henry l. N.
Anderson by email.
©April 1, 2016 by HLNA