
Select or designate your desired study program and apply now.

As a mature learner you are able to apply through the Internet and as a student you have the option of communicating with your mentor and with the University via email, phone, text, video-conference, and or other methods. Most of you will complete your Study Plan the old-fashioned, paper and pencil way of course, with the assistance of an assigned Faculty mentor/adviser.

Application form.
$25 application fee applies.

City University Los Angeles (U.S.A. )
4712 Admiralty Way #707, Marina Del Rey, CA 90292 - -

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Address (required)

    Country (required)

    Phone (required)

    Highest degree earned to date. (required)

    From your transcript(s), how many credits have you earned to date from all schools? Please note* Only "loose credits", meaning, credits beyond any degree level, are applicable.

    Please add any specialized experience and or certifications.
    (Please provide, via email or mail to the address above, your curriculum vitae, resume, copies of any certifications or any documentation supporting your specialized experience and or certifications.
    *Mark the communication to the attention of Registrar, CULA)

    Social Security # or Passport #. (required)

    Contact preference and best time to call. (required)

    Earned Credits/Certificates to date

    Please specify the degree for which you are applying. (Hold down "shift" key to select multiple.

    Finally, please tell us how you came to engage with CULA. (For example, introduced by a CULA alumnus, google search, other)

    • I understand and agree that even though I receive tentative acceptance, I cannot be officially accepted until CULA® has confirmed my qualifications. It is also my understanding that refunds are effective from the date of payment or Registration.
    • I have read the CULA® web-catalog and public statement and I will abide by all regulations and standards imposed on matriculating students.
    • Upon acceptance, I agree to submit full annual tuition or a partial registration fee of not less than 10% of the appropriate Annual Tuition,

    Additional Message